Samuel Hauenstein Swan


My Haiti work was selected for the Summershow 2011 by Foto8 and rewarded t hird place at Pink Lady ® Food Photographer of the Year.

I am an independent photographer and researcher on humanitarian issues for over two decades. My story-telling strives to explore individual experience of living through crisis and show the resilience of communities faced with disasters. Having published extensively on emergencies and development, my documentary photography and participatory analysis go hand in hand, reinforcing each other to maximise policy and advocacy impact.

My work has been published by Médecins Sans Frontières | MSF, Action Against Hunger | ACF, United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition, Tearfund, IDS, DFID and Oakland Institute. My Haiti picture was selected for the Summershow 2011 by Foto8

Closer to home my work explores our relation to food through portraying Top UK Chefs in their kitchens.

If you’re looking for photographs, video footage, testimonies and participatory material tailor made to support your strategy, Samuel can offer specialised high quality service and unobtrusive reportage coverage. Need photographs in real time for social networking such as twitter or facebook? No problem.


m: 0044 + 79 6398 6203




Chad A call to end decades of hunger, Dec 2010, co-authored with: AlexMerkovic-Orenstein, Hannah Roberson and Hugh Lort-Phillips, Published by Action Against Hunger London

Changing Climates, Changing Lives: Field analysis of climate variation and adoption inEthiopia and Mali forthcoming, published by ActionAgainst Hunger, Tearfund and IDS (contributing author and research responsiblefor Mali)

Crisis Behind Closed Doors: Global Food Crisis and Local Hunger, 2010,co-authored with: Sierd Hadley and Bernardette Cichon, Published by: TheJournal for Journal of Agrarian Change, University of London, School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

An Integrated Intervention Framework for Fighting Seasonal Hunger, July2009, co-authored with: Bapu Vaitla, Stephen Devereux, Published by: Universityof Sussex, Brighton, Institute of Development Studies, for Seasonality Revisited International Conference 8–10 July, 2009(paper and presentation)

SeasonalHunger: A Neglected Problem with Proven Solutions, June2009,co-authored with: Bapu Vaitla, Stephen Devereux, Published by: PLoS Med6(6): e1000101. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000101

Feeding Hunger and Insecurity: Field analysis of volatile global food commodity prices,food security and child malnutrition, Jan 2009,co-authored with: Sierd Hadley and Bernardette Cichon, Published by ActionAgainst Hunger London

The Right to Food: background origin and pathways, Jan 2009,co-authored with: Muyemana Husain, internal background papaer by Action AgainstHunger London

The cost of HIV and Hunger, Dec 2008, Published by CorporateAfrica

Seasons of Hunger, cycles of starvations among the world’s rural poor, Oct.2008,co-authored with: Stephen Devereux & Bapu Vaitla, Published byPluto Press London

Hunger &HIV, from food crisis to integrated care, November2007,Published by Action Against Hunger London, (Series Editor)

Local voices from Zambia: A community perspective on hiv and hunger in ZambiaCINDI,2007, co-authored with: Natalie Duck, Published by Action Against HungerLondon, (author)

The Justiceof Eating – the Struggle for Food and Dignity in Recent HumanitarianCrises, Hunger Watch Report2007–08, 2007, Edited together with Bapu Vaitla, Published by PlutoPress London, (editor and author)

HIV, Water and Hunger, Impacts of the HIV epidemic on the access to safe water and Sanitation in the copper belt of Zambia, 2007, published by Action AgainstHunger, (concept and series editor)

The MostSevere Malnutrition Crises of 2005-06, 2007,Hunger Watch, Briefing paper #1 published by Action Against Hunger, (editor andauthor)

Six Areas atHigh Risk of Nutritional Crisis in 2007-08, forthcoming,Hunger Watch, Briefing paper #2 published by Action Against Hunger, (editor andauthor)

Women and Hunger: The Central Role Women Play in the Fight Against Hunger,2006, published by Action Against Hunger, (author)

Don Corleoneand the Holy Man: Analytical Reflections on Humanitarian Practises, the Mafiaand Sierra Leone’s Peace, unpublished, master dissertation, Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, School of Oriental andAfrican Studies (SOAS), Universityof London, (author)

Role of NGOs and Civil Society: Operational problems?, 25-26 April2002, Presentation to the International Conference On Internal Displacement In The Russian Federation, Sponsored bythe Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PartnershipOn Migration and the Brookings Institution-CUNY Project on InternalDisplacement, Moscow/Russia, (author)

Living Conditions of Internally Displaced Persons in Ingushetia,2001, published by Médecins Sans Frontières (contributing author and primary survey responsible)

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